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An Idealist's Downward Spiral into Cynicism...
I'm a University student; i am not particularly interesting, avant-garde or risque; i like to pretend this blog contains thoughts worth sharing with the few friends who take the trouble to read it - but i know that is a delusion. These are mostly journal entries. Occasionally i post a short-story or scholastic insight. oh yeah, my name is heather and i live in a suburb of Montreal.

Oldies but Goodies
Time Warp
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Monday, August 29
so, my nightly round of cleansing (flossing, listerining and astringenting) is complete. Thank God. The day went by pretty fast. I spent the evening frying zucchini and then went out for coffee with Isabelle. It was her last day at the Blainville Subway today. I would have loved to have seen Sab's face the day that she quit.
Georgia was pretty good at work today. There were not tons of questions and i actually managed to get some work done. Patsy, our receptionist, did not come in however, so i ended up spending some time answering phones.
Yesterday was fun too. My aunt and i got up early (as previously mentioned) and went to Chapters. I did not purchase a book on cascading style sheets nor drawing for dummies, though i wanted to. i recognize the lack of time during the school year for all these hobbies i hope to acquire. I did get a crossword puzzle book.
Then we went and got our eyebrows waxed. It was surprisingly unpainful. I will definitely continue with this element of aesthetic upkeep. I hate tweezing. We then went shopping for my Mum's b-day present and found her a very nice white silk scarf, which is what she asked for.
We then returned to my aunt's for tuna sandwiches, had some wine and sat outside sipping while doing crosswords, reading Emily Dickinson poetry and crocheting (the last one only me). My Mum showed up, we all chatted for a while, and then we left for home.
Steve has agreed to sign up for the shiatsu massage course in October. Now i am all exciting. I need to ask my Dad again if he is going to pay for the aquafitness course i am taking with Mum every monday.

Random Product Review: Citrus Listerine
Yes, it is less intense, but actually sickeningly sweet. The desire to swallow when rinsing after is especially disconcerting. I definitely prefer the original even though it burns more in your mouth. Brushing, flossing and listerining are an excellent method of for cutting out snacking though when you are on a diet-particularly with this nasty flavour. you don't want to dirty your mouth anymore.

I still am undecided about whether or not to stay at blogger. i want a more context-oriented webpage, but don't want to pay the 129.99$ for a .Mac subscripton, particularly when i remember that i will not be using the email account that comes with it. I only just changed email accounts. If anyone has any suggestions for mac-friendly webpage hosting - please note that blogger is not, you lose all the formatting icons in new post - i would appreciate some advice.

Posted by heather @ 10:02 PM  0 comments

Sunday, August 28
A saturday in the sun:
Yesterday my aunt and I went to the Renaissance exhibit at the National Arts Gallery in Ottawa. It was a nice collection of later Renaissance works than i had been shown in Florence by the Professors Krantz. Many i had not seen before. The lack of Donatellos was a little frustrating (there were also no Raphaels), but the Da Vinci drawings that had been contributed by Queen Elizabeth II and the National Gallery in London were very nice. Infuriating, however, was how all the statues from the Bargello in Florence were encased in glass. You can touch them in their original locale. All in all, it was very nice for something on tour. I liked the Vasari paintings a lot too. I have to show my aunt the frescoes on the dome of the Duomo however. They exhibit his talent much better.
After that we went out for lunch. Then we shopped for some fresh veggies to bring to my grandmother's for dinner: baby brussel sprouts, wax beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. We tried to find my Mum a white shawl for her birthday, but were unsuccesful - that's the plan for today again. Then we went to my grandmother's, ate dinner, and came back to her house where we researched some more graduate programs in history.
I tore out almost 12 hours if not more of the baby blanket that i am doing for Kim. It is discouraging. I called Steve, he was going to the casino with all of twenty dollars hoping he would get lucky. Hmm.

Posted by heather @ 8:24 AM  0 comments

Saturday, August 27
Ottawa: The Auntie Adventure
Yesterday before catching my train i managed to get everything i had planned done: got my haircut, saw Lina and gave her the tray we bought in Florence, bought two textbooks, got my bus ID card stamped and picked up my student loan certificate. Then i met Lorne and we went out for lunch at Nickels (and i was an independent-minded woman and made sure it was on two bills). It was very nice seeing Lorne before he goes back to Bishops. He told me about his guns (scary) and his trip to Switzerland during two weeks this past June.
I made the train, with plenty of time to spare. I had a nice conversation with the man sitting next to me, if you can believe it, about the theory of relativity, quantum physics and the existence of spirits. It was quite a chat, but an enjoyable one.
My aunt picked me up at the train station and brought me to Kanata. We went grocery shopping at Zellers, picked up some stuff at Shoppers Drug Mart before the sales ended and then went to Kelsey's for dinner. We drank a whole pitcher of Sangria. Then we went to see the Brothers Grimm. It was very entertaining, but a little scary for a movie rated PG if you ask me. That Matt Damon and Heath Ledger are eye-candy definitely helped. After the movie, we went to pick up my uncle at the local pub and came back to have a glass of wine while researching Masters programs in the Italian Renaissance in Canada. We found three in Ontario alone. Woohoo. I need a back-up plan for when i don't get in to Harvard or Yale.
This morning we are off the the museum and the market downtown. I need to get my Mum a birthday present. First, however, teas must be finished and teeth brushed. My aunt also has to put on her make-up so this could take a while.
I am in a very good mood this morning, but how can you not be when someone who is determined to spoil you rotten is taking you out for the day. My aunt is great - and not just because she spoils me rotten. She is smart and funny and very competent and what she does. Both my Mum and I wish that she lived closer so we could see her more often.

Posted by heather @ 9:32 AM  0 comments

Friday, August 26
yeah, so yesterday Steve was in a nasty mood. Over money problems. I can't cope with this stuff.
I am in a hurry to get ready and pack before going downtown to run some random errands, meet Lorne for lunch and then hop on my train to Ottawa to meet my aunt.
i am thinking of switching to livejournal from blogger after seeing a friend's livejournal. i think the ability to embed pages is nice and i am most definitely not getting anywhere with re-learning frames. I don't understand what is wrong with my code.
Well, i better get a move on. I will probably post more this week-end though, so don't worry Lisa. We'll be in contact!

Posted by heather @ 7:22 AM  0 comments

Thursday, August 25
New shoelaces:
Oh the excitement. New shoelaces for the school year. They are grey with black cats on them. I bought Lisa a pair too because i knew she would appreciate them. Hers are black with cat eyes though.
Last night i went grocery shopping with me Mum. I bought some zuchini to make zuchini flour next week after seeing Rosie at work eating them for lunch everyday. Yum.
Other than that, not much excitement. I had a dream that a friend from high school was in. I haven't seen him in ages, so i plan on emailing him this afternoon. I am taking the bus to Steve's after work - oh the money and the time. Tomorrow i leave for Ottawa to visit my aunt, but i imagine i will be able to post from her house as she works from home.

Posted by heather @ 1:41 PM  0 comments

Wednesday, August 24
Another day another dollar...
So, yesterday was pretty boring. There was some excitement at the office, but i managed to keep my bulbous nose out of it. Steve and I ate a huge portion of green beans for dinner - yummy. I watched two episodes of House (which i really like). It is doing that "it looks like it wants to rain, but won't" thing again. Ugh. My Mom finished all my laundry that i started yesterday - that rocks. And my Dad gave me forty bucks which i already spent a portion of on gas and the green beans. Tonight is payday though. Thank God.

Posted by heather @ 7:42 AM  0 comments

Tuesday, August 23

So, yesterday the restaurant at which i had lost my wallet called to say that they had found it. i am so happy. even the cash that was inside is still there.

Last night i spent a good three hours or more trying to get stylesheets to work on the website i am trying to get up and running. right now the tentative format is an e-magazine (i hate the term e-zine) that perhaps, should they wish, my friends and fellow classmates could contribute to. in this format, this blog gets linked to in the "about the contributors" section. I will be asking one of my best buds who now lives in Toronto to be co-editor.

I also cleaned my room...horribly exciting i know. and i made dinner for my mom and brother - pasta in a diced tomato, olive, onion and garlic sauce. it came out pretty good even if i do say so myself. i made extra pasta for everyone's lunches too. well, not my Dad's because he has something weird against the use of a microwave.

Interesting scandal i heard yesterday: a lady whose son plays on the football team my Dad coaches is pregnant. The father of her child got married on June 28th - to another woman whom he had been dating on the sly for the past two years. She found out because she called his office to speak to him and was told that "he's on his honeymoon." His new bride thinks she's nuts, so she's going to have to take the paternity test to court to get him to support the child he fathered. He slept at this pregnant lady's house the night before he got married. Out of a soap opera ain't it? Men are pond scum.

Posted by heather @ 7:43 AM  0 comments

Monday, August 22
My horrible week-end...
(a) Friday night i had a nasty fight with Steve which involved him getting up and leaving the house at like 11pm with no explanation. i still wasn't speaking to him the next morning until he apologized.
(b) Saturday night i went out with my Mum for one of her co-worker's birthday and, though it was very fun and the food was excellent, i somehow managed to lose my wallet - AGAIN!
(c) Sunday my steak was cooked like a piece of leather and it was all i had for dinner. Okay, i know that isn't that bad, but what do you want.
Sunday i went to look at a car (Red Neon 1996) and i am pretty sure i am going to buy it for $1800 (the engine is being entirely rebuilt by the family mechanic).
So, the prospects for this week look great...i have to replace all my ID, pay school fees and lose more weight. Lovely.

Posted by heather @ 7:49 AM  0 comments

Friday, August 19
today is not so great. it is icky outside and looks like it wants to rain. the whole day i have had to force myself to work. there was a lot of chatting done with other employees that i really should be ashamed of. Oh well. My boss, Georgia, who works for my Dad, is coming back to work on Monday after two weeks in Greece. To be perfectly honest, we didn't miss her as a working person. I missed her company though. She is nice, even if she does lecture me about how i should wear make-up and dress nicer "for me." I'm too lazy to wash it off at night so i don't put it on in the morning - isn't that sensible?
On other hygiene habits, this whole flossing and using Listerine in the morning and at night habit is really hard to get into. It occupies so much time and i just want to go to bed. Plus, since i went to the dentist, my mouth is filled with tiny cuts where i guess the cleaning tools scratched me and it burns for like 15 minutes after.
Steve did not break his ankle. In fact, he will be able to go back to work on Monday. He spent the day bleaching his hair today - hmmm. at least he didn't shave it off with a bic again. God i hate the "rapist" look.
Oh yeah...most importantly, i lost 2 lbs this week! Woohoo. This morning, however, i forgot to bring in a replenishment of my tea supplies and had to make myself a mochaccino (the calories!). I ate lunch with people i don't usually though. Alex and I had veggie burgers. She supplied the buns and the bread while i had tomatoes and cucumbers. I had planned on a tomato and cucumber sandwich. My tummy is grumbling again though. what else is new?
My friend Veronica wants to start a website again, like we had in high school. I think it's a good idea, but i can't cope with the pop-up ads and banners. I am considering signing up for a .mac subscription but $129 a year is pretty expensive.
Well, i have been told by my Dad that i must clean up Georgia's desk because it is too mean to let her come back and have a deposit book on it. And here i thought i was doing her a favour by giving her something to do so she would know we missed her. He doesn't seem to agree.

Posted by heather @ 4:10 PM  2 comments

Thursday, August 18
Got some good news yesterday...i don't have to return to Subway Sandwiches...woohoo. it will make for a less interesting blog though. about the only interesting stuff i ever had to talk about was the irritating and stupid customers. oh well.
Yesterday i made guacamole at my friend Lisa's house for dinner. She insisted on buying the avocadoes and on buying two filet mignons to go with it. I think she thinks i am broke because everytime i go over she either feeds me or tries to buy me dinner. i am broke, but not that broke. we watched some gilmore girls. i might borrow all the seasons on DVD from her for when i get my wisdom teeth pulled out on September 16th and am house-ridden.
Steve called me earlier this morning to let me know we wouldn't be able to hang out later today most likely because he sprained (maybe broke) his ankle AGAIN at work. Lovely. I called him Tuesday night when i got home from seeing Four Brothers with my parents (which by the way i thought was very good for the type of movie it was) and spoke to him for like 15 minutes. Yesterday he didn't even remember my having called. I think someone needs to sleep more.
I'm not too thrilled with the blogger format. I want to have sections, such it's not just this nonsensical rambling and none of the tools for blogger are compatible with my Powerbook G4 - that i just got like three weeks ago so am still allowed to talk about it. Videotron still hadn't gotten back to me by last night. Hmmm. I'm gonna have to re-teach myself how to write in html soon. Frames took me forever the first time!

Posted by heather @ 1:12 PM  3 comments

Wednesday, August 17

first day

hi. i am supposed to be working already, but my internet provider, videotron, won't get back to me as to whether or not i have free website hosting included with my monthly service subscription. Usually they are very good about responding in a timely fashion. Oh well, in my anguish i have started this. I haven't come up with a format for my posts or anything yet, nor even a validation for why i am engaging in such a self-centred activity. God help me.
I will brainstorm for a mission statement during the rest of the day. The plan thus far is a section on academic tools, my rants, reviews of books and movies and a more live-journal section. if you have any suggestions as to what you think might be a better format or content feel free to give it up. i think this is going to be mostly for the friends i never find the time to call...sorry. i do love you.
enough rambling. gotta make the big bucks...

Posted by heather @ 8:03 AM  0 comments

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